Number of professional judges per 100,000 inhabitants
The number of professional judges per 100,000 inhabitants is above the EU average.
Slovakia has 23,9 professional judges per 100,000 inhabitants. The EU average of professional judges is 21,8 judges per 100,000 inhabitants. Hence, Slovakia has a higher number of professional judges per 100,000 inhabitants than the EU average.
Since the performance of justice institutions is not only influenced by developments in caseloads or workloads this framework also includes indicators related to human resources (the level of availability of judges and prosecutors and the budget that is available for the justice sector) Adequate financial and human resources are necessary for the proper functioning of the justice system (factors: financial resources, human resources, training). The general assumption is that the lesser capacity is available in terms of human resources and budget, the lower the level of performance and quality of the justice institutions will be.