Existence of independent national human rights institution fully compliant with United Nations Principles on the Status of National Institutions (‘Paris Principles’)
The ratio between the number of violations of the European Convention on Human Rights by Slovakia concerning the vulnerable groups and the number of violations of the European Convention of Human Rights by Slovakia concerning general population
The ratio between the number of cases where the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic found a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the total number of applications submitted to the Constitutional Court
The ratio between the number of convicted legal entities in corruption cases and the total number of registered corruption cases of legal entities (evaluation coming soon)
The ratio between the number of plea agreements between the prosecutor and the defendant in corruption cases and the number of total judgments with convictions in corruption cases (evaluation coming soon)
The existence of domestic legislation and policies regarding the transparency in the ownership of the media reflecting all international and regional standards
The ratio between the number of criminal charges pressed against journalists and the number of termination or dismissal of criminal prosecutions (evaluation coming soon)
The ratio between the number of enacted laws submitted for consideration to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic (regarding their compliance with the Constitution) and the total number of enacted laws annulled by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
The ratio between the number of legislative proposals submitted directly through the Parliament and the total number of all legislative proposals concerning human rights