Completed research tasks

Violence against seniors and their discrimination 

Implementation: October 2020 – December 2020

The Centre aimed to map the incidence and characteristics of violence against seniors and their discrimination through the mediated experience of organizations working with the elderly. The questionnaire was primarily intended for organizations providing social services, but it was also distributed to representatives of regional organizations of the Pensioners’ Union of Slovakia. In both main topics, the questions focused on the characteristics of the monitored phenomena (e.g. forms of violence, perpetrators, area and grounds of discrimination), conditions and forms of support provided to senior citizens, level of awareness of senior citizens about the possibilities of help and needs of organizations for better prevention and better quality services related to violence and discrimination. Through the findings of the survey, the Centre aims to contribute to a better understanding of the issue of violence against the elderly, the needs and conditions of the activities of organizations providing social services, community or leisure activities, and at the same time outline the appropriate direction of activities not only for public institutions, but also for organizations promoting human rights.

Outputs: Survey reports (pdf, 3,48 MB)
Information leaflet (slovak language) (pdf, 468 KB)
Information leaflet (english language) (pdf, 468 KB)


Possibilities of reconciling work and private life in Slovakia 

Realizácia: január 2020 – december 2020

The Centre carried out a quantitative and qualitative research focusing on the following sub-areas: 

  1. Flexible forms of work in Slovakia – analysing, through quantitative research methods, the experiences of male and female employees in permanent employment and the practice of employers. Data collection was carried out in the form of two questionnaires. 
  2. The right to decent working conditions, job protection during maternity and parental leave, as well as access to support tools for reconciling work and family (early childhood care services, kindergarten, care services for dependent family members) were investigated by quantitative and qualitative research methods. The questionnaire, published through an online platform, was distributed in cooperation with the Union of Mother Centers, the Platform of Families of Children with Disabilities, O.Z. One parent and media partners. At the same time, three focus groups were held with representatives of different target groups (e.g. mothers at maternity and parental leave, parents of children with disabilities, trade unions, single parents). The main part of the qualitative research was 40 individual interviews with respondents who are in difficult situations – single mothers, mothers of children with disabilities, mothers in uncertain forms of employment. The research plan was designed in January, reviewed in April and implemented in the period July – October, statistical analysis and analysis of qualitative data were done in November and December. 
  3. The third area of ​​research was the division of household tasks and childcare, which the Centre investigated through a questionnaire and the data collection was carried out in cooperation with the agency. Due to the more narrowly defined research questions and target group, the questionnaire was intended for opposite sex partners – parents of children aged 3-15 years. Thus, same sex couples, as well as single parents, were excluded from the research. 

Outputs: Správa z prieskumu (tbs)
