The research activity of the Centre focuses on monitoring the observance of human rights and the and the prevention of discrimination. Our work spans across long-term strategic areas such as gender equality, the right to housing, the rights of human rights defenders, or monitoring the portrayal of human rights topics in the media and social networks. Simultaneously, we respond to the current situation and continuously examine human rights topics present in the current public debate. In the preparation and implementation of research, we cooperate with various stakeholders in the public, non-governmental and academic sectors. The output of our activities typically involves recommendations for relevant institutions to improve the conditions for the realization of human rights.

We apply the human rights approach (HRBA – Human Rights Based Approach), which includes the following principles:
- Transparency: we consistently inform research participants in advance about the research objectives, data collection methods, planned outcomes, and stress the voluntary nature of participation. Participants have the option to terminate the questionnaire or interview for any reason.
- Non-discrimination: we ensure equal and non-discriminatory access for all individuals involved in the research. We actively engage minorities and disadvantaged population groups and we strive for their fair representation.
- Empowerment: the research design and results dissemination are geared towards empowering the involved population groups. This may include participatory creation of research design or presentation of results.
- Elimination of potential negative impacts: throughout the research process, we assess potential negative impacts on participants and implement effective preventive measures. This includes rigorous data anonymization and protection of personal information.
- Availability of data: the obtained data are made accessible to the public through research reports. Anonymized datasets are also provided to the professional community, serving as a foundation for the development of strategies, policies, or further research.
We systematically release the results of the evaluation of international human rights obligations fulfillment, following the OHCHR methodology, on the human rights indicators subpage.