The Centre submitted its report to the European Committee of Social Rights


We have submitted our alternative report on the implementation of the European Social Charter (Revised) to the European Committee of Social Rights. This year, the Committee is addressing the cost-of-living crisis and will provide a general overview of the situation and some recommendations.

The Government of the Slovak Republic submitted its Ad-hoc National Report on the cost-of-living crisis to the Committee in December 2023. As a national human rights institution, we welcomed the opportunity to provide the Committee with information on the cost-of-living crisis and to reflect on the report of the Slovak Republic.

Our alternative report focuses on situations concerning the cost-of-living crisis. We provided information on:

  • Cost-of-living crisis and housing affordability
  • Living conditions of Roma living in excluded communities and
  • Housing situation of Ukrainian refugees

The report of the Centre is available at this link.