The ratio between the total number of accelerated legislative procedures and the total number of legislative procedures for the given year.

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In 2023, a total of 19 new acts and 96 amendments were passed, representing 115 legislative enactments. Out of these, 12 were adopted in the accelerated legislative procedure, representing 10.4 %.

Alarmingly, since the formation of a new coalition government on 30 September 2023, a total of 10 legislative acts were adopted (3 new acts and 7 amendments), all of them in the accelerated legislative procedure.

In detail:

Tenure from 1 January to 30 September 2023:

  • 16 new acts adopted, 0 of which in the accelerated legislative procedure
  • 89 amendments adopted, of which 2 in the accelerated legislative procedure

Tenure from 30 September 2023 (data until 31 December 2023):

  • 3 new acts adopted, of which 3 in the accelerated legislative procedure
  • 7 amendments adopted, of which 7 in the accelerated legislative procedure